Shallow Ford Christian Church: (336) 584-6646
Shallow Ford Christian Church: (336) 584-6646
During the 11:00 service, children are invited to attend children's church in our activity room for an age appropriate and engaging worship experience. Activities will include a Bible lesson, craft/ hands on activity, and music time. This is for children 4 years old (pre-k) through 5th grade.
A nursery/toddler room is available for babies and toddlers from newborn to 3 years old. There are volunteers who serve in this room each week to provide families the opportunity to worship in the sanctuary at 11:00 am. Children enjoy play time while watching/listening to Bible music and stories.
Families are invited to join us the Saturday before Palm Sunday for our annual Easter Egg Hunt. We share the Easter story and celebrate Jesus's resurrection. We finish our party with an Egg Hunt.
1 week each summer, we invite kids to join us every evening for lots of fun and to develop their relationship with Jesus. It is a week full of games, friendship, crafts, music, and so much more.
The Sunday following Bible School, our youth take over our 11:00 service. They share all that they have learned the previous week at VBS, including music, scripture, and special experiences.
Families are invited to join us for a Fall Festival in October. We will have lots of fun fall activities, Trunk or Treating, cake walk, and other kid friendly games OUTSIDE. Family friendly costumes are encouraged.
Each Christmas, we kick off the season with a very special Christmas event. We have a visit from Santa, decorate our Christmas tree in the fellowship hall, and enjoy finger foods.